Thursday, December 26, 2024
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Sderot Media Center

The Sderot Media Center is a non-profit organization of citizen journalists that also serves as a news agency, dedicated to bringing the voices of Sderot residents and Gaza border communities to the forefront of world news and the international community.

כשיבוא המשיח – נתווכח

בעולם המפנה את גבו לישראל ומצמיד אותו לקיר, אין לנו הפריבילגיה או הזמן לפשפש בניואנסים התיאולוגיים שבעמדות ידידינו הנוצרים. הם בעלי בריתנו הכמעט יחידים,...

Gaza Under Hamas: A Taliban-like Regime?

JERUSALEM, Israel -- On Monday, June 28, masked gunmen destroyed a U.N. summer camp facility in the Palestinian Gaza Strip. A U.N. official called...

הדקה ה-90 במשחק ההסברה: אירופה מובילה

אירופה על סף רתיחה נגד ישראל ומובילה בחתירה חסרת-תקדים נגד הלגיטימיות של מדינת ישראל כמדינה יהודית עצמאית. הממצאים בשטח ממש זעקו אלי בסבב ההרצאות...

Barak: Gaza – an Iranian military base 3 kilometers from Sderot

The Minister of Defense spoke at the Socialist International Council about the security challenges facing Israel from the Gaza Strip and Hamas The Defense Minister...

The Family That Shows Why There Needs to be a Naval Blockade on Gaza

Iris Twito, the mother of two sons injured by Qassam rockets in the city of Sderot, decided to grant an exclusive interview with Sderot...

Sderot, the Capital of Rockets and Rock

You know you’ve arrived in Sderot because you turn from the dusty highway onto a city street bordered by a thin roadside park with...

Sderot Media Center’s impact on Australian policy-maker

After visiting in Brussels and the EU last week, and I found myself in complete dismay over European reaction to Israel. I was therefore...

Hamas uses cement for military infrastructure not rehabilitation

  Intelligence and Terrorism Information Center June 14, 2010 The cement shortage in the Gaza Strip makes it difficult to carry out rehabilitation works and improve the...

Sderot Media Center in Action!

Dear Friends of the Sderot Media Center As we saw in the latest events surrounding the Gaza Flotilla, Israel's soverignty is not only being challenged...

Summary of equipment aboard the Gaza flotilla – June 7, 2010

The Logistics Section of SIBAT (Foreign Defense Assistance and Defense Export Department of the Israel Ministry of Defense), together with COGAT (Coordination of Government...