Sderot Media Center
Summary of equipment aboard the Gaza flotilla – June 7, 2010
The Logistics Section of SIBAT (Foreign Defense Assistance and Defense Export Department of the Israel Ministry of Defense), together with COGAT (Coordination of Government...
Breakdown of Humanitarian Aid to the Gaza Strip for May 30th-June 5th, 7 June...
The document below is a detailed breakdown of humanitarian aid to the Gaza Strip for May 30th- June 5th. The statistics include the amount...
Breakdown of Humanitarian Aid to the Gaza Strip in 2009-2010, 6 June 2010
The document below is a detailed breakdown of humanitarian aid to the Gaza Strip in 2009-2010. The statistics include the amount of trucks and...
Die „Freiheitsflotte“ ist nicht das, was sie zu sein vor gibt!
Die nächsten Raketenschüsse auf Israel werden mit dem Kapern der so genannten Freiheitsflotte gerechtfertigt werden, genauso wie die Intifada 2000 mit dem Besuch Sharons...
Gaza-flotiljen – noe annet enn hva man tror
Den neste eskaleringen i rakettangrep vil legitimeres på fullstendig galt grunnlag, gjennom nettopp slike hendelser som var tilfelle med Gaza-flotiljen. Det blir på nøyaktig...
La flottille de Gaza n’est pas ce qu’elle semble être
La prochaine escalade de tirs de roquettes à partir de Gaza sera légitimée à tort à cause d'événements comme celui de la flottille... Souvenons-nous...
Turkish organization IHH had links with Al-Qaeda and global jihad networks
Intelligence and Terrorism Information Center
May 31, 2010
A Danish research institute exposes the links the Turkish organization IHH had with Al-Qaeda and global jihad networks...
Gaza Flotilla Not What it Seems
The next rocket escalation will be wrongly legitimized by events like this Gaza Flotilla just as the second intifada full of suicide bombings on...
Intelligence and Terrorism Information Center Update
Intelligence and Terrorism Information Center
May 26 2010
IHH, which plays a central role in organizing the flotilla to the Gaza Strip, is a Turkish humanitarian...
Intelligence and Terrorism Information Center – update
Intelligence and Terrorism Information Center
May 26 2010
IHH, which plays a central role in organizing the flotilla to the Gaza Strip, is a Turkish humanitarian...