Thursday, December 26, 2024
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Sderot Media Center

The Sderot Media Center is a non-profit organization of citizen journalists that also serves as a news agency, dedicated to bringing the voices of Sderot residents and Gaza border communities to the forefront of world news and the international community.

De mythe van het ‘beleg van Gaza’

Nauwelijks drie dagen nadat er iemand in het zuiden van Israël werd gedood door een Qassamraket bezocht Ban Ki Moon, secretaris-generaal van de VN, zondagochtend de...

Le mythe du blocus de Gaza

Trois jours seulement après qu’un homme ait été tué par une roquette Qassam dans le sud d’Israël, le secrétaire général de l’ONU, Ban Ki...

Ban viaja a Gaza para promover la idea del “Cerco de Gaza” aun cuando...

Unos pocos días después de que un hombre fue asesinado por un cohete Qassam en el Sur de Israel, el secretario general de la...

The Gaza Siege Myth

Just three days after a man was murdered by a Qassam rocket in southern Israel, UN Secretary General Ban Ki Moon visited the Gaza...

Thai worker killed by Gaza Qassam rocket; fifth rocket in 48 hours

The fifth rocket attack from Gaza in the past 48 hours, killed a 23-year old Thai foreign worker, Monny, late Thursday morning, March 18. The...

‘Hamas used kids as human shields’

Hamas gunmen used Palestinian children as human shields, and established command centers and Qassam launch pads in and near more than 100 mosques andhospitals...

Rocket destroys building on Kibbutz

On Thursday, March 11, 2010 three Qassam rockets were fired from the Gaza Strip into Israel. One of the rockets hit and destroyed a...

Tribute to Gabe (Gabriel) Regan

The Sderot Media Center facilitates social projects on behalf of the youth of Sderot who live under constant attack from Gaza. One of those projects...

I guess our New Israel Fund check got lost in the mail

When the news of the New Israel Fund (NIF) paying around $8 million to organizations that provided the Goldstone Report with all its condemnations...

Can it all be just a mistake?

Hamas officials said that a 52-page document has been compiled to testify that the offensive missiles fired during Operation Cast lead were “an accident”...