Sderot Media Center
Les enfants de Sdérot envoient un message d’espoir à Gaza
Sdérot, Israël (31.12.09): Quelques heures avant le nouvel an, plusieurs centaines de pro-palestiniens et de manifestants arabes arrivent près du point de passage d'Erez...
One year later: Sderot kids send peace balloons to Gaza
A few dozen residents of the western Negev together with some young visitors from abroad demonstrated Thursday afternoon at the Camel's Hump observation post...
Press Release: Sderot Rally for Hope
Press Release: Sderot Rally for Hope
In a rally organized by Sderot Media Center, hundreds of Sderot residents, Israeli youth, university students, and international supporters,...
Sderot Rally for Hope: Stop Rocket Attacks on Civilians!
On Dec 31, the Gaza Freedom March, a massive rally organized by the International Coalition to End the Illegal Siege of Gaza, will convene...
From shelled to sheltered: Sderot’s new reality
Sderot, Israel (dpa) - This winter, Eli Asayag has opened the windows of his cafe.
A year ago they were tightly shuttered, hopeful protection against...
Tiny organization fights to make Sderot’s voice heard
Just under three years ago, on a warm Friday night in Sderot, Noam Bedein was forced to flee his synagogue in the middle of...
Sderot residents light Chanukah menorah made of Gaza rockets
Jewish residents of a rocket-battered city outside the Gaza Strip every day this week lit a Chanukah menorah fashioned out of hollowed Palestinian Qassam...
Saknar vestleg forståing
Rakrettregnet over Sderot har ikkje stoppa etter at Israels militæraksjon i Gaza vart avslutta i januar. Sderot Media Center prøver å formidle korleis innbyggjarane...
National Public Radio: “Shell Shock Lingers for Israelis After Gaza War”
Sderot Media Center recently assisted National Public Radio’s Lourdes Garcia-Navarro with a segment on Sderot a year following Operation Cast Lead. Garcia-Navarro interviewed two...
Two Rockets fired from Gaza on Second Day of Channukah
Two Qassam rockets were fired at Israel from the northern Gaza Strip in the early hours of Sunday morning on December 13, the second...