Wednesday, March 5, 2025
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Growing up under threat of rockets, teens speak out as they prepare for military...

From infancy, and for the past 18 years, life, was a cycle of rocket attacks and out-right war; as they head into adulthood, teens...

Hamas and Israel Not Interested in New Gaza War for Now

Dr. Mandel speaks about Hamas and Israel’s disinterest in a New Gaza War on i24 News’ Crossroads on March 14, 2019. MEPIN Middle East Political...

Hamas is willing to risk war to avoid economic collapse

Tensions between Israel and Hamas are surging again, following a string of attacks from Gaza and Israeli retaliation airstrikes.

IDF intercepts major Iranian missile shipment to Gaza

In Photo: IDF soldiers inspect a missile found on board the Klos-C in a commando operation on Wednesday, March 5. The military says the ship...

Not a false alarm

In photo: Sderot and Gaza border communities residents demonstrating after 'cease fire' declaration, credit: TPS Analysis: ‘The photos of Gazans giving away sweets in joy...

Hamas’s use of anti-tank Kornet missiles supplied by Iran and Hezbollah

Overview On November 12, 2018, Hamas launched an anti-tank Kornet missile from the Gaza Strip at a bus carrying soldiers near the border with the...

Summary of Events Along the Gaza Strip Border, NOV 5th 2018

Credit in photo: Palinfo Twitter account, November 3, 2018 Overview On Friday, November 2, 2018, another “return march” was held along the Gaza Strip border. The...

Summary of Events Along the Gaza Strip Border

In Photo: The house in Beersheba that took a direct hit (Palinfo Twitter account, October 19, 2018) Overview On October 17, 2018, two rockets were launched at Israel...

Environmental Terrorism in Israel caused by Hamas controlled Gaza

10,000 acres burnt down in the Western Negev in Israel, home to 50,000 Israelis. Over 1,300 fires caused by kite and helium bombs sent...

Weekly Commentary: Israel Shouldn’t Give Hamas Years To Prepare To Attack

Next week the Security Cabinet will discuss schemes that would allow Hamas and the other groups in the Gaza Strip continue doing literally everything...