Monday, March 10, 2025
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Articles About Gaza

3,656 supply trucks entered Gaza in March

Despite escalation of rocket fire from the Gaza Strip in March, the IDF continued its efforts to aid Gaza's civilian population. In the month of...

Terrorism from the Gaza Strip since Operation Cast Lead Data, Type and Trends

The Meir Amit Intelligence and Terrorism Information Center March 3, 2011 Terrorism from the Gaza Strip since Operation Cast Lead Data, Type and Trends   1. In the two years...

The UN should heed Israel’s carefully documented report on the Gaza flotilla – because...

The Israeli and Turkish governments have given the United Nations reports on their investigations of the Gaza flotilla episode that left nine Turks dead....
Intelligence and Terrorism Information Center

Terrorist organizations in the Gaza Strip have recently once again made use of phosphorus-containing...

The Meir Amit Intelligence and Terrorism Information Center November 28, 2010 Terrorist organizations in the Gaza Strip have recently once again made use of phosphorus-containing 120-mm mortar shells One...

GazaAid weekly report 14-20.11.10

STATE OF ISRAEL MINISTRY OF DEFENSE COORDINATOR OF GOVERNMENT ACTIVITIES IN THE TERRITORIES Gaza Strip- Land Crossing ActivitiesNovember 14th to November 20th, 2010 Crossing Status Weekly Report Overall, 561...

Israeli official: Hamas rockets can reach Tel Aviv

A senior Israeli intelligence official says Hamas has rockets with a range of 80 kilometers (50 miles), putting the coastal metropolis of Tel Aviv...

Gaza’s unstable border

Ynet special: While relative lull continues, major Gaza Strip clash expected sooner or later Last Wednesday, Israel Defense Forces troops on the Gaza border heard...

Hamas confirms losses in Cast Lead for first time

Hamas Interior Minister Fathi Hammad on Monday told London-based newspaperal-Hayat that al-Qaida does not have any presence in Gaza, and discussed casualties in Operation...

Nigerian Weapons Haul Shows Lengths Iran Will Go to Supply Hamas

Gaza-based groups learned in last war that home-made Qassams aren’t effective The capture in Nigeria late last week of over a dozen containers filled with...

Humanitarian & Civilian Activities towards the Gaza Strip

Following is a report regarding the civilian and humanitarian activities taken by the Israeli authorities during the month of August 2010: Expanding the Civilian Policy...