Tuesday, March 4, 2025
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Connections & Links Early Intervention Program

Children in Southern Israel have lived under rocket attack for their entire lives. You can help us teach them tools to cope with their...

Israel’s first Chanukah candle factory in Sderot endures 77-year history

Photo/Menorah Candle Co. SDEROT, Israel - The Menorah Candle Co., manufacturer and exporter of millions of Chanukah candles worldwide, is one of the oldest businesses...

Sderot’s latest rocket attack for summer 2016

Tuesday 23/08/16 afternoon in Sderot. My colleague and I wanted to explore how civilians were managing following Sunday’s rocket attack. There has been some...

Day Seven – Sderot, Gaza, and into the Negev Desert

This morning we woke up rather early. All exhausted from going through the tunnels in Jerusalem the night before, we drug ourselves to breakfast,...

Noam Bedein College Campus Speaking Tour, Nov’ 2014- “How ‘Sderot’s rocket reality’ overnight turned...

Shalom Israel supporter, After 50 days of military confrontation between Israel and Hamas-controlled Gaza, with more than 4,500 rockets and missiles fired towards Israel and...

Whatsup – Operation Protective Edge

Practical tips for personal documentation during emergency times 1. When siren goes off, automatically turn on your video camera on your smartphone. 2. While taking cover,...

15 seconds – Reuters

“If you want to learn about a city, look at its walls.” -Greek graffiti artist iNO In springtime, the fields around Sderot are carpeted with red...

The writer- Anav Silverman, was SMC international correspondence

SDEROT, Israel (TNA) - It’s a quiet day in the sandy border town of Sderot. The first day of spring brings blue skies and...

Sderot Snaps Back

The Jewish people recite at their Passover Seder each year: " ולנו לאבותינו שעמדה ויהי "-"This is what has stood to our fathers and to...

Sderot: the bomb shelter capital of the world

Since 2000 the city of Sderot has been a target of rockets fired from the Gaza Strip into Israel. British Academic Dr Alan Craig...