Tuesday, January 21, 2025
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Home Commendation Letters

Commendation Letters

David Crawford from Northern Ireland

Hello & Greetings from Northern Ireland, I found your site as I was doing a little research into rocket attacks on Israel since the last...

Students of IDC Hertzelia for the residents of the western Negev

Students of IDC Hertzelia for the residents of the western Negev To: Noam Bedein - CEO Itzik Yarkoni - Marketing Director Sderot Media Center Greetings, I wish to thank you and...

Gibraltar Volunteer Experiences ‘Red Color” Alert

Levi J Attias resides in Gibraltar and is a frequent visitor to Israel. He holds a BA degree from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem...

From Blaz Masle, Embassy of the Republic of Slovenia

Thank you very much for a very instructive tour in Sderot. I learnt many new things that will undoubtedly help me with my future engagements...

Blaz Masle, Embassy of the Republic of Slovenia

Thank you very much for a very instructive tour in Sderot. I learnt many new things that will undoubtedly help me with my future engagements...

From Michael Beer

My wife and I were members of the ICEJ tour that you addressed just over a week ago, opposite the playground. We were enormously...

Office of the United Nations Special Coordinator’s Office for the Middle East Peace Process...

Thanks for a very interesting trip to Sderot - much appreciatedBest, Richard Miron Chief Public Information Officer United Nations Special Coordinator's Office   Thanks so much for...

From Josh Adler, co-founder of Operation LifeShield

As a co-founder of Operation Lifeshield, a non profit organization that seeks to fulfill the bomb shelter needs of the residents of Sderot and...

From Anders Christian Forsberg, representative from Danish delegation

I can guarantee that there was unanimous agreement in the Danish group that the day-trip to Sderot was a really eye-opening event. Thus far...