Saturday, February 8, 2025
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SMC in the Media

SMC in Canada’s National Post: Daily Threat of Qassam Rockets Cripples Sderot

Residents of Sderot, the small working-class city of 21,000 people just one kilometre from the northeastern tip of Gaza, are bracing for another war...

One year later: Sderot kids send peace balloons to Gaza

A few dozen residents of the western Negev together with some young visitors from abroad demonstrated Thursday afternoon at the Camel's Hump observation post...

Tiny organization fights to make Sderot’s voice heard

Just under three years ago, on a warm Friday night in Sderot, Noam Bedein was forced to flee his synagogue in the middle of...

Support Sderot Treatment Theater

Support Sderot Treatment Theater, Therapy Balancing Gaza Story "The positive impact of the theater therapy process clearly showed in the way these girls performed tonight--full...

‘Qassam Children’ bring Sderot’s rocket traumas to Jerusalem stage

Some young Sderot residents are about to give Jerusalemites a dramatic peek into what life is really like in the beleaguered city. Through the Sderot...

Il caporale Shalit è vivo e sta bene» Il video che premia il cinismo...

Il Giornale, 3 ottobre 2009 È vivo, è in condizioni di salute apparentemente decenti, anche se appare smagrito e la sua voce è quella di...

Press Release: Sderot Community Treatment Theater to Stage First Production

Sderot Media Center’s Community Treatment Theater will launch the first theater production of Children of Qassam Avenue. The production is based on the true-life...

SMC Response to the United Nations Fact Finding Mission on the Gaza Conflict Report

PRESS RELEASE: In response to the United Nations Fact Finding Mission on the Gaza Conflict Report This report is not surprising and it proves the...

Representative of Sderot Media Centre says: Sderot residents have “optimistic anxiety” about situation

The population of Sderot is only 19,000, yet it is unlikely that there is a more famous town anywhere in Israel with such a...

A Chat With Noam Bedein – Director of the Sderot Media Centre

Can you give us a quick summary of life in Sderot at the moment? Right now it is relatively quiet. It has been seven months...