In light of the closing of the Sderot trauma facilities, SMC has called on Israeli Knesset ministries to step up funding or find a financial solution that will enable trauma services to continue operating in Sderot.
Sderot Media Center director, Noam Bedein, notified members of Knesset, who he had been in touch with previously in regard to the Israeli Tax Authority’s treatment of Sderot residents’ whose homes and properties were damaged in rocket attacks. Read more.
Members of Knesset, Dr. Marina Solodkin, Deputy Health Minister, Minister of Social Welfare Services, Yitzchak Hertzog, MK Ori Orbach, and MK Uri Ariel all responded to Sderot Media Center’s notification. The four Knesset members contacted Deputy Health Minister, Rabbi Yakov Litzman to personally ask him what actions the Ministry of Health was taking to prevent the closures of the trauma facilities.
Minister of Social Welfare, Yitzchak Hertzog personally sent a letter to Mr. Bedein, highlighting the actions and meetings that are to stop the collapse of the Sderot treatment therapy centers.
The following is an excerpt from the Minister Hertzog’s letter (May 21, 2009):
“There is no doubt that the trauma centers proved their effectiveness during Operation cast Lead. Therefore the Government of Israel must take it up on herself to continue to fund these centers. The Ministry of Social Welfare Services, the office of the Prime Minister, and the Health Ministry are taking every possible measures to maintain the operations of the centers.
In addition, the director of the Social Welfare Office, Mr. Nahum Itzkovitch has decided to initiate an immediate meeting, which representatives from the Office of the Prime Minister and the director of the Healthy Ministry will be part of, in order to find a solution to this critical problem.”
The Sderot Trauma Center also known as Merkaz Hosen had its budget cut down by 50% when the International Fellowship of Christians and Jews notified the facility that it could no longer provide funding to the center. The other half of the center’s funding– provided by the Israeli government-is not nearly enough to keep the center open.
The Shock Treatment Center, which also runs under the Sderot Trauma Center is also on the verge of closing because of budget cuts. The Shock Treatment Center, which provides immediate treatment to Sderot victims of rocket terror, is vital to the Sderot community.
Sderot Media Center is awaiting an invitation to the meeting.