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Tag: Human Interest Stories

Following Netanyahu’s meeting with Obama, Qassam Strikes Sderot Homes

A Qassam rocket fired from Gaza slammed between two Sderot homes around 5:30 pm on Tuesday, May 19. The Tzeva Adom, Color Red siren blared twice in the city sending residents fleeing to area...

Humanizing Hamas in The New York Times

The New York Times recently published an interview on May 4 with Hamas’s political chief, Khaled Mashaal, entitled "Addressing US, Hamas Says It Grounded Rockets." In the interview, The Times takes a very sympathetic...

Holocaust Remembrance Day: The Tragedy of Silence

Today Israel marked Holocaust Remembrance Day. Standing on a street in Sderot, I listened quietly to the siren sound, remembering the tragedy of 6 million Jews killed in Nazi Europe, my great grandparents,...

A Friday Afternoon in Sderot

Part I: And Then It Truly Hit Me I felt so relaxed, so peaceful, so safe. It was early Friday afternoon, the blue sky was crystal clear and flowers were beginning to blossom as I walked...

Foreign embassies respond to SMC letter asking for EU aid on behalf of war-torn...

Sderot Media Center recently sent formal letters to representatives of member countries of the European Union, asking the European Union to help Sderot and southern Israelis rebuild their lives after the recent Gaza war....

Sderot Youth Excited about City’s First National Dog-Training Competition

Sderot’s first national dog competition will be held this coming Monday, April 6. Those who have trained the dogs for this competition are not the typical life-long dog trainers. At-risk youth and children with...

Has Life in Sderot Changed?

“All the world’s a stage,” says a famous Shakespeare phrase. I recall this expression from Shakespeare's As You Like It as I travel down to Sderot, to begin another week working at our Sderot...

Buy with love from Sderot: Families need your support during Pesach!

The Dahan Supermarket (SuperDahan) is gearing to help out needy families in Sderot with special Pesach food packages for the upcoming holiday. A family owned business, the Dahan Supermarket has served Sderot families for over...

Sderot Girls Inspired by Gush Etziyon Women’s Theater Group

The girls acting in the Sderot Community Theater play, Noar Sderat HaKasam ("Youth of the Qassam Way"), traveled this week to Gush Etziyon to watch the play, "In Search of Courage," performed by Gush...

50 Gaza Rockets Strike Israel Since Ceasefire

Over 50 Palestinian rockets and mortars have been fired into Israel since the unilateral ceasefire began between Hamas and Israel on January 18. This is the third Hamas-Israel ceasefire held since November 2006. Two Qassam...