Saturday, March 8, 2025
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Connections & Links Early Intervention Program

Children in Southern Israel have lived under rocket attack for their entire lives. You can help us teach them tools to cope with their everyday stress and make their lives more livable. If we...

Sderot teens share rocket life with Israeli Knesset

JERUSALEM 11.5.10: With two months until the end of the school year, several students at the religious AMIT high school of Sderot found themselves fulfilling a lifelong dream. Rotem Timsit and nine other Sderot...

Artists 4 Israel bring some color to Sderot

“Unfortunately, people here have to live with bomb shelters. We’re here doing a little something to bring some color to something that’s here for an ugly reason,” said American graffiti artist Cycle, summing up...

Tribute to Gabe (Gabriel) Regan

The Sderot Media Center facilitates social projects on behalf of the youth of Sderot who live under constant attack from Gaza. One of those projects is the Sderot Community Treatment Theater program, which focuses on...

SMC Theater therapy program changes lives of Sderot’s traumatized girls

Sderot, Israel: If you heard Color Red siren alerts in Sderot on Wednesday night, October 14, it was not because rockets were being fired from Gaza, as the 19,000 residents of Sderot have had...

Il caporale Shalit è vivo e sta bene» Il video che premia il cinismo...

Il Giornale, 3 ottobre 2009 È vivo, è in condizioni di salute apparentemente decenti, anche se appare smagrito e la sua voce è quella di una persona che non parla da molto tempo: ma, pulito...

Press Release: Sderot Community Treatment Theater to Stage First Production

Sderot Media Center’s Community Treatment Theater will launch the first theater production of Children of Qassam Avenue. The production is based on the true-life experiences of the theater’s actresses, local Sderot high school girls,...

Sderot Media Center’s Information Center for Press, Policy-Makers, and Students

Sderot Media Center is a social-media organization that specializes in presenting the human side of the Sderot rocket reality that has plagued the region over the past eight years. The international media’s coverage of the...

Rabbi Weinberg zt”l and Sderot Vision

I want to share a story about the visionary founder of Aish HaTorah, Rabbi Noah Weinberg of blessed memory. I believe it will shed but one more brilliant ray of light on the remarkable...

Sderot Media Center Presents: Sderot Community Treatment Theater ® 2009

There is an urgent need for the youth of Sderot and the Western Negev to express themselves. Eight years of Palestinian missiles on the western Negev has wreaked heavy psychological damage upon children and...