Tag: SMC Blog
Sderot High School Girls Talk About Rocket Attacks
Every Wednesday, we gather together with the high school students in the ‘Tranquility’ room at the local religious high school.
This time I actually felt that for the first time the group was finally beginning...
US Congressmen Brian Baird and Keith Ellison Visit Gaza and Sderot
Following a day tour in Gaza, members of Congress, Brian Baird (D-Washington) and Keith Ellison (D-Minnesota) spent an hour in Sderot touring the city with Sderot Media Center director, Noam Bedein and staff on...
The Iran-Hamas Connection and President Obama
As US President Barack Obama makes historic overtures in attempting to foster open dialogue with Iran, the rest of world watches in optimistic anticipation. The UK's Guardian recently reported that Obama's administration drafted a...
SMC director Noam Bedein invited to Capitol Hill
To: Noam Bedein, SMC director
From: Sarah Stern
Event Issue: "Was the War in Gaza Justified?"
Date: February 16, 2009
EMET (Endownment for Middle East Truth) is honored to invite you to a colloquium brought to you by...
From SMC Director
In light of Sderot Media Center's recent visit to the Erez crossing with the Intelligence and Terrorism Information Center, the importance of creating a visitor's media center at the Erez crossing has been officially...
Theater Meeting – 4.2.09
After having comprehensive phone discussions with the girls, we decided to meet in the regular hour on Wednesday. After speaking with the Ulpanit’s director, Rabbi Ronnie, we decided that both the Ulpana and the...
“Qassam Shmasam”
Statements such as "a rocket landed in an open area" or "no one was wounded and no damage was reported" permeate the news reports from Sderot.
But what happens when these rocket attacks result in...
Sderot Child’s Tragic Ordeal
Hello, my name is Yedid Tzion Shimshi. I am the father of a sweet 8 year old boy who suffers from a terrible disease called AHC. I turn to you and implore you to...
Theater Meetings
I feel that today, we’ve finally started the process - The process which I’ve been waiting for so long. After Operation Cast Lead, the school’s organizing, and the return to the normal school routine,...
ONE OF OUR OWN – Interview of the Week
Noam Bedein (26) lives in Sdeirot. He majored in human resources in Sapir
College. Recently he has devoted all of his time to an international publicity
campaign within the framework of a media center which he...