Sunday, September 1, 2024
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Who is fooling who?

The other day in Sderot, I made an astonishing observation. I was walking from the office after a long day at work to catch...

ISRAEL: Waitin’ for Obama

Last December, a Qassam rocket tore through Pinhas and Aliza Amar's kitchen. Pinhas and Aliza were home with two of their daughters. Aliza was injured,...

Obama briefly visits Sderot

U.S. presidential hopeful Sen. Barack Obama paid a visit to the embattled Israeli city of Sderot, Wednesday, taking time to meet Mayor Eli Moyal...

Concrete caterpillars : Bomb shelters at the playground

Children in Israel are being tortured daily. In the town of Sderot, Israel, located just over a mile from the Gaza Strip, children live under...

A ceasefire? A temporary relaxation? Hello, who’s relaxing here?!

A ceasefire, violating the relaxation, opening the crossing points, closing and reopening them, and closing them again. “Red Color” alarm, a Qassam being fired,...

From Tibet to Sderot

It would be the easiest thing in the world to relax, sit back and watch the Beijing Olympics on my porch in Sderot. Yet, it...

We Remember!

Four years ago, Afik Zahavi, four, and Mordechai Yosepov, 49, were killed when a Quassam rocket fired by Hamas from the Gaza Strip struck...

The truth is right there, BBC

I’ve just come back from England after spending a whirlwind two weeks talking non-stop about Sderot and the rocket situation in southern Israel. I...

Sderot Community Treatment Theater

The Sderot Media Center, a project of The Sderot Information Center for the Western Negev Ltd, was pioneered to provide the people of Sderot...

Five Days in Sderot

It is now about 3.15pm on Thursday 12th June 2008. I am following an Israeli tradition during times of danger and reassuring my mother...