A Qassam rocket fired from the Gaza strip slammed into Sderot, Monday afternoon.

The rocket — the twelfth fired from Gaza toward Israel since the ceasefire began June 19 — hit just a few meters from a home that was hit in the final rocket barrage before the ceasefire.

Photo: Hamutal Ben Shitrit

“We’ve had a few days of quite, and today again the cease fire has been interrupted by another explosion of a Qassam rocket,” Shimon Nachmani, head of the Sderot police department, said.

Monday’s attack is the third in the last week.

A Qassam hit in an open field in Sderot on Saturday night as residents began marking the fast of Tish’a B’Av, in memory of the destruction of the two temples.

Last Thursday during a ceremony in memory of the Gush Katif settlement, the Tzeva Adom alarm sounded as a rocket was fired and exploded in the Sha’ar HaNegev region.

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Noam Bedein is a director of the Sderot Media Center. It is a media advocacy center which portrays the human face of Sderot and southern Israel under siege, to the international media and public. Noam, a native of Tzfat, grew up in Efrat, Israel. After finishing the Beit El Yeshiva High School, Noam learned at a pre-Army training program in the Jordan Valley and then served for three years as an IDF sergeant for an artillery scout unit along the Lebanese border. After the army, Noam served as an emissary for The Jewish Agency in Boston, Massachusetts and then traveled for a year in the Far East. Upon his return to Israel, Noam relocated to Sderot and pioneered the “Sderot Media Center for the Western Negev Ltd", which has spawned the Sderot Media Center. In this position, Noam is a photojournalist, lecturer and gives briefings to foreign government officials, embassies, foreign press and student groups from around the world.


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