Sderot Media Center
Hamas confirms losses in Cast Lead for first time
Hamas Interior Minister Fathi Hammad on Monday told London-based newspaperal-Hayat that al-Qaida does not have any presence in Gaza, and discussed casualties in Operation...
Nigerian Weapons Haul Shows Lengths Iran Will Go to Supply Hamas
Gaza-based groups learned in last war that home-made Qassams aren’t effective
The capture in Nigeria late last week of over a dozen containers filled with...
THE FIRING LINE: Some clarifications regarding Sderot
Last Monday, Sderot Media Center director Noam Bedein presented about the devastating situation in Sderot. Noam presented his firsthand account of the danger that...
Pro-Israeli speaker sparks protests by opposing groups
Signs reading “Stop Israeli Terrorism” and “No Occupation = No Rockets” could be seen outside Garrison Hall on Monday as about two dozen protesters...
Humanitarian & Civilian Activities towards the Gaza Strip
Following is a report regarding the civilian and humanitarian activities taken by the Israeli authorities during the month of August 2010:
Expanding the Civilian Policy...
Sderot, schuilkelder hoofdstad van de wereld
Ingang schuilkelder Sderot
Tekst & Fotografie: Tjeerd Langstraat /
Op zo’n anderhalf uur rijden ten zuiden van Tel Aviv ligt Sderot. Nog eens 2 km. zuidelijker...
The Gaza Strip: Why Is Washington Sticking Its Head in the Sand?
The US Administration, which just forced Israel and the Palestinian Authority to enter direct peace negotiations, seems to have completely forgotten about the Gaza...
האם שיחות השלום הן קדימון לפעולה צבאית של צה”ל ברצועת עזה?
19 קסאמים ופצצות מרגמה נורו מרצועת עזה לשטח ישראל מאז ה 4 לספטמבר.
עבור התושבים בשדרות והנגב המערבי מדובר בהתקפה המאסיבית ביותר מאז סיום מבצע...
Жизнь в искривленной реальности
«Окна», приложение к газете «Вести» - 8.07.2010
Трагедию Сдерота мир лучше узнал во многом благодаря деятельности Информационного Центра Сдерота (ИЦС). В то время как редакторы...
Hamas’ summer camps in the Gaza Strip
The Meir Amit
Intelligence and Terrorism
Information Center
September 14, 2010
This year Hamas' summer camps in the Gaza Strip again combined political Islamic indoctrination and paramilitary training...