Sderot Media Center
Thank You Letter From the United Nations Fact Finding Mission on the Gaza Conflict
Mr. Noam BEDEIN Director of the Sderot Media Center POB 472
Sderot 80100 [email protected]
13 July 2009
Dear Mr. BEDEIN,
The Members of the United Nations Fact Finding...
British Colonel declares that Israel safeguarded Gaza civilians during war
Former commander of British forces in Afghanistan Col. Richard Kemp addressed The Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs Joint International Conference on HAMAS, THE GAZA...
Som vitne til FN i Genève:Direktøren for Sderot Media Center, Noam Bedein, presenterer Sderot-saken...
Jeg reiste den 6. juli til Genève for å møte opp som vitne i den FN-ledede «fact finding mission» om Gasa-konflikten. Følgende var en...
Sderot Media Centers direktor, Noam Bedein, presenterar Sderots ärende till FN domare
Den 6 juli reste jag till Geneve för att vittna inför FN:s “Uppdrag Funna Fakta i Gazakonflikten”. De...
שדרות בג’נבה: עדות אישית
"ב- 6 ליולי נסעתי לג'נבה כדי להעיד באו"ם בנוגע לקונפליקט בעזה. היו לי 30 דקות בלבד להציג בפני חברי הוועדה את ההשלכות ההרסניות של...
Interning With SMC: My Dream Summer #1
Getting into college seemed like the finish line for me. After I purchased school supplies and made my dorm-room bed the rest would be...
Letter to Sderot Media Center Director Noam Bedein requesting report on the affect of...
GFFM/O-59/090619FM Geneva, 19 June 2009
Dear Mr. Bedein,
I write on behalf of the United Nations Fact-Finding Mission on the Gaza Conflict. As you may know,...
Study: Half of Sderot’s toddlers suffering from PTSD
Data collected in rocket-battered town reveals 45% of children under age six exhibit symptoms associated with Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder. More than third of parents...
Provocative Israel T’s prompt social awareness
It's supposed to be a fashion item, a fundraiser, a connection-forger and a spokesperson-creator - a host of missions for one T-shirt.
The T-shirt is...
Sderot Media Center Report to the United Nations Fact Finding Mission on the Gaza...
Trauma Under Eight Years of Armed Attacks Directed at Civilians
Sderot Media Center Report to the United Nations Fact Finding Mission on the Gaza Conflict