Saturday, May 4, 2024
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Sderot Media Center’s exclusive report on Sderot delegation visit to Knesset

On Monday morning, July 28th, a delegation of Sderot residents traveled to the Israeli Knesset to raise their concerns over the blatant misconduct of...

Kibbutz life anything but quiet in Western Negev

Today, Kfar Aza laid to rest Jimmy Kedoshim, the man who, last week, was killed by Hamas in a mortar attack as he was...
Judge Richard Goldstone

Sderot Residents Fed Up with Judge Goldstone

Sderot and western Negev residents experienced another week of sporadic rocket fire from northern Gaza as the General Assembly of the United Nations began...

Australian MP on Sderot trauma crisis: “It’s not right.”

As the rocket count after Operation Cast Lead climbs over 226 rockets and five Trauma Centers in the Sderot region are set to close...

Letter to Sderot Media Center Director Noam Bedein requesting report on the affect of...

GFFM/O-59/090619FM Geneva, 19 June 2009 Dear Mr. Bedein, I write on behalf of the United Nations Fact-Finding Mission on the Gaza Conflict. As you may know,...

Another Hamas Ceasefire Cemented in Future War

Amid a shaky and uncertain ceasefire with Hamas, Israelis did not celebrate in the streets as Hamas and the people in the Gaza Strip...

Sderot Community Treatment Theater – 2009

There is an urgent need for the youth of Sderot and the Western Negev to express themselves. Eight years of Palestinian missiles on the...

Gibraltar Volunteer Experiences ‘Red Color” Alert

Levi J Attias resides in Gibraltar and is a frequent visitor to Israel. He holds a BA degree from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem...

Sderot resident; 66-year old Maria, angry with Hamas

Maria Kovelskya is a 66-year old Ukrainian immigrant. Her husband died a year and half ago. She now lives alone in her Sderot apartment...

The Iran-Hamas Connection and President Obama

As US President Barack Obama makes historic overtures in attempting to foster open dialogue with Iran, the rest of world watches in optimistic anticipation....