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Tag: Facts and Information

Palestinian ceasefire violations since the end of Operation Cast Lead

Since the end of Operation Cast Lead, 878 rockets hits have been identified in Israeli territory (total as of June 19). Grad missile attack on Ashkelon - Feb 2009 (Photo: Reuters) SMC also conducts visits for...

Summary of equipment aboard the Gaza flotilla – June 7, 2010

The Logistics Section of SIBAT (Foreign Defense Assistance and Defense Export Department of the Israel Ministry of Defense), together with COGAT (Coordination of Government Activities in the Territories), are responsible for transferring humanitarian aid...

The Gaza Siege Myth

Just three days after a man was murdered by a Qassam rocket in southern Israel, UN Secretary General Ban Ki Moon visited the Gaza Strip Sunday morning and told the people of Gaza "we...
Judge Richard Goldstone

Sderot Residents Fed Up with Judge Goldstone

Sderot and western Negev residents experienced another week of sporadic rocket fire from northern Gaza as the General Assembly of the United Nations began its debate on the Goldstone probe into alleged Israeli war...

‘There is no humanitarian crisis in Gaza’ and World Continues to Turn its Back...

Yesterday alone, over 89 trucks of international aid and gasoline was poured into the Gaza Strip. Since September 1st, over 700 truckloads of international aid including over 1,760,000 liters of gasoline have been given...

Letter to Sderot Media Center Director Noam Bedein requesting report on the affect of...

GFFM/O-59/090619FM Geneva, 19 June 2009 Dear Mr. Bedein, I write on behalf of the United Nations Fact-Finding Mission on the Gaza Conflict. As you may know, the Mission has been requested to conduct an independent investigation...

Sderot Media Center Report to the United Nations Fact Finding Mission on the Gaza...

Trauma Under Eight Years of Armed Attacks Directed at Civilians Sderot Media Center Report to the United Nations Fact Finding Mission on the Gaza Conflict "I expect basic international humanitarian law to protect the civilians to...

SMC’s Social Media Projects

Sderot Media Center works with the Sderot community, establishing close connections with area residents who serve as the base for Sderot Media’s citizen journalism. SMC offers tools to the Sderot community in the area...

What You Need To Know about Qassams

Background on Qassam Missiles Missile fire against Sderot and the western Negev began in January 2001. For the past 8 years, over 10,000 rockets have been launched towards Sderot and the western Negev. The Qassam...

What Civilian Aid Buys in Gaza

As Israeli troops push deeper into the Gaza Strip, the international community is crying out for humanitarian aid to civilians not engaged in the fighting. The problem is that these funds rarely reach the...