The World’s First Rocket-Proof Tractor


Working under the threat of Palestinian mortar fire and snipers has become a daily reality for Israeli farmers plowing in the western Negev. There is no other place in the world where farming is as a dangerous occupation as it is on the Israeli border with Gaza. It comes as no surprise, then, that Milfram, a leading Israeli firm that develops and manufactures security products, has designed the world’s first armored tractor to serve the safety necessities of these Israeli farmers.

The armored tractor is designed for farmers living in combat zones and allows farmers to safely till their fields, by remote control if necessary, amid mortar shells and flying bullets. Mifram, a representative of the John Deere tractor company, developed the tractor in cooperation with the Israeli military, meeting the requirements of both the military and the Transportation Ministry.

The tractor, dubbed Memugan, was developed specifically for Israeli farmers along the border of the Gaza strip who have experienced Palestinian sniper and mortar fire on numerous occasions.

Mifram has been in the physical security business since 1962 and originally supplied apparatus solutions to the military. With the mounting increase in terrorism, Mifram began branching out solutions to the civil sector in Israel as well.

Mifram has also developed bomb shelter units used by residents in the western Negev for protection from Palestinian rocket fire. In addition, the company has developed and exported shelters to the United States, Australia, and Japan.

As Palestinian terrorist activity continues to threaten residents in southern Israel, Mifram will continue to develop goods servicing the safety of western Negev residents in all aspects of everyday life. Mifram stated that the Memugan would enable Israeli farmers to resume activity along the Gaza Strip border.

“Memugan is an armored tractor capable of withstanding a full strike of small arms, Qassam rockets and mortar shells used by terrorists in the Gaza Strip,” Mifram said back in July 2008.

Mifram’s protection system is based on the ability to fit the protective cover to any tractor capable of baring it.

The company encases the tractor’s cabin with a protective shell that does not hinder the operator. The protective cover can be easily removed when it is no longer needed.

Unfortunately, it looks as if Israeli farmers of the western Negev will be in need of these protected tractors for a long time, as Hamas terrorist networks continue to stockpile ammunition, rocket material and other weaponry smuggled into Gaza throughout the ceasefire.

As the head of the Israel Security Agency, Yuval Diskin stated on July 27th, “Hamas has used the truce to smuggle four tons of explosives, 50 antitank missiles, light arms, and material for the manufacture of rockets and gun powder since the truce began two months ago.”


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