” It has become clear today that Israel needs to aggressively and proactively compete and confront the backdrop of images of death and devastation that will now emanate from Gaza, and to convey the trauma of the rocket and missile reality that has plagued the southern region of Israel.

The SMC task at this time is to balance this kind of coverage, with the Sderot story, conveyed through the arts of the media- in a creative way, to a diverse audience.

This has become a successful and workable concept to present and emphasize the current reality of more than 1 million Israeli citizens who now dwell under the missile threat from Gaza.”

Israeli Foreign Ministry Recognizes SMC
The Sderot Media Center is now recognized as a grass roots voice and face for 45,000 Israelis who have lived under daily missile attacks for the past seven years.

The Israel Ministry of Foreign Affairs has officially requested that the Sderot Media Center provide all Israeli diplomatic offices around the world with first-hand exclusive material that the Sderot Media Center has produced, documented and presented

1,500 comprehensive packets of Sderot Media Center print and audiovisual materials were distributed to 101 Israel diplomatic missions by the Israel Ministry of Foreign Affairs and funded through Stand with Us.

State of Israel
Israel Ministry of Foreign Affairs
January 6, 2009


The Israel Ministry of Foreign Affairs has been greatly assisted by Sderot Media Center’s material and documentation of the rocket attacks on Sderot. The center provided instruction to the MFA foreign press team (through lectures and telephone conferences). The MFA also distributed SMC material documenting the reality of Sderot residents living in the shadow of continuous rocket fire.

Because we found that the material produced by the center meets high journalistic standards, we decided to work with the center and have distributed over 3000 SMC information kits to foreign journalists via our embassies and consulates throughout the world. The information packets included articles (translated into five languages) that were written by journalists who visited Sderot and a DVD with 5 video clips from SMC, which convey the personal stories of Sderot residents behind the headlines.

Based on the feedback we have received from the ground, countless foreign journalists are using the SMC information packets, especially since the beginning of Operation Cast Lead. The packets provide information and visual material to journalists researching the conflict, in addition to connecting them with Sderot Media Center and other active organizations in the region.

We wish Sderot Media Center much luck in its blessed work.

Eddie Shapira,

MFA Spokesman


Students of IDC Hertzelia for the residents of the western Negev

Noam Bedein – CEO
Itzik Yarkoni – Marketing Director
Sderot Media Center


I wish to thank you and the SMC staff for opening our eyes to the inconceivable reality of the western Negev and Sderot in particular. Since the first guided tour that you gave us on the 28th of December 2007, the sights we saw and the experiences we went through have affected us and our perception of the daily life routine in the south-western region of Israel.

Since that first tour, you have helped us to increase the awareness to your area’s situation among the student community of the Interdisciplinary Center Hertzelia (IDC). During the 3 ‘Awareness Days’ which we organized on April 2008 at our campus, your work has contributed greatly to us, and our collaboration has brought us to believe that small deeds of many citizens can achieve great results on enormous audiences. Thanks to your work and your contribution to the Sderot’s spokespersons panel which took place in the 10th of April 2008, we managed to organize another tour in Sderot and its area for the students of IDC Herzelia, and to experience your reality for ourselves, when a mortar shell exploded not far from us.

I wish to thank you for your contribution to the legal activity of Law students Ms. Miriam Zemelman, Mr. Nir Brazilay, Mr. Elad Pilpel and Mr. Omer Shaked, who were led by Mr. Yonatan Braverman and examined the rights for compensation claims of people whose homes were damaged by Kasssam missiles. After collecting the information, Mr. Braverman prepared an easily readable Rights Pamphlet, which informs the residents about their rights, in case their homes suffer damages from the missile attacks. These students have used the gathered materials and wrote a proposition for correcting a legislation regarding Property Tax compensation, and you delivered it to MK Marina Solodkin during a

Knesset discussion which you and Mr. Braverman attended, and to MK Gideon Sa’ar as well.

Thanks to your work and your support, we have managed to motivate and encourage more IDC Hertzelia students to contribute to the identification with the western Negev residents, and to establish beautiful projects that had an influence on the population: The students of the New Psychology School had established a “Green Color” summer camp for a hundred 6th grade pupils from Sderot, between the 24th and the 27th of August 2008. In another project for Sderot high school students, a student of the Sammy Ofer School of Communications helped to produce the graduation ceremony of “Amit” high school’s class of 2008.

We hope that our productive collaboration will continue this year, as well, and look forward to endless times of peace and serenity.

Dana Alman
Founder of “Exiting the Bubble”
IDC Hertzelia


Israeli Foreign Ministry Recognition of SMC

Ministry of Foreign Affairs


Deputy Director General for

Media and Public Affairs

To: Mr. Noam Bedein,

Director of Sderot Media and Information Center for the Western Negev

Date: February 19, 2009

Subject: “Operation Cast Lead” – Thank you

Operation Cast Lead has concluded and during this time of reflection, we would like to thank you for your cooperation with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs during the operation.

We assign great importance to your activities, and recognize your joining the national cause and the positive results that have transpired due to your contribution to the field of advocacy.

In these weeks after the operation, there still exists a need for intensive advocacy, where the shift from the military arena to the political front and battle for awareness holds many complicated challenges.

At this time, we are in the process of examination and consolidation in regard to exploring activities that are suited to the current climate and will continue to update you.

Thank you again for your resolve to assist and for your effective and valuable operations.

With blessings and esteem,

Aviv Shir-On

Deputy Director General for Media and Public Affairs





  1. God be with you all. Do not forget that you are His Chosen People and He is on your side! We in America are praying for peace in your land for that is what God wants. He is your protector in all things and even in the darkest of times. Pray without ceasing. He hears your prayers and will do what is necessary to protect you.

  2. Buffalo, NY / USA
    You are in our thoughts and prayers daily. Please hang in there. Your refusal to be driven out will defeat the enemy in a way that the army can not. I am so glad for your sakes that the IDF is finally taking some action to relieve your situation. Chazak, chazak.

  3. Wishing the people of Sderot strength during this difficult time.
    You are not alone. Good people everywhere support you and pray that Tzahal will be successful in ending the terrorist threat against you.

    D’ash Cham from America!

    Ron Muroff

  4. Bremen/Germany Dec 31,2008
    Dear people of Sderot,
    please let me express my sympathy for you in your difficult situation. I have been to Israel several times and I know that you would love to live in peace, if only others let you do so.
    Kind regards,

  5. I pray for peace and for all of your safety. I only wish that the entire world knew what you have been going through for the past 3 years. Please know that our prayers are with you.

  6. May Hashem protect and defend Eretz Yisrael and Sderot. I pray that the IDF will wipe out Israel’s enemies and bring you comfort soon.

  7. Know that we are thinking of you at this critcal time, and praying for your safety. We also pray for a result of this conflict that will benefit you and all Israel, and that it will be achieved soon. Our hope is for peace and stability for you and all Israel.

  8. Sibiu, Romania
    May our G-d make His face shine upon you and give you Peace!
    May Hashem confort you and keep you and make this time of war short!
    May Adonai give you strength and health and may you all be enlightened to act wisely and succeed in all your endeavors!!!
    You are in my prayers! I am looking forward to see you all victorious!

  9. To all Jewish people is Sderot. May Hashem be with you at all times. In times like this we must unite and place our faith in Hashem (God). May Hashem defeat his enemies soon and bring the final redemption and eternal reward. Remember that you will all be greatly rewarded for all your pain and suffering. You are all forever in our minds and hearts.

    With love and passion,
    Benzion J

  10. My daily thought is with you. I pray our same God to help you and to give you that peace that you deserve. You are all very dear to me.
    God bles you.

    Stefamia Celenza from Italy

  11. I know how horrible it has been all these years – your children growing up knowing nothing but rockets coming down on them. And you felt alone. But you aren’t anymore. Yes, this should have happened a long time ago, but finally our wonderful IDF and Air Force is doing what it should have done. This will not be much longer. May G-d protect you and the residents of all the other towns and cities under attack. We will achieve victory!

    Love from Bat Yam

  12. I have some very good friend in Israel.Talking with them on the phone
    has given me some insights into the present situation.
    I want to tell you you are not forgotten. We are very sorry for what you
    have to go through.I hope and pray it will end soon
    Christoph from Vienna

  13. We visited and shopped there in 2007 and we will be volunteering there this summer as well. We were given a personal tour by the Youth Center Director and brought back our stories and pictures to tell to the Jewish Community of Chicago. We will do the same this year to let Sderot know that we are with you. Mark, Sheryl and Alyse Lichtenfeld, Chicago, IL

  14. People of Sderot and all Israel, I spend most every day researching and obtaining facts to defend you with the truth of what is going on. I pray for you constantly and know HaShem will get you through this. He is in control and will defeat every enemy. Be strong and know there are many many people around the world who beseech G-d for your safety and well being. Boise, Idaho, US

  15. From London, UK. May G-d bless and keep you all safely. You are all in my heart and in the hearts of decent people all over the world.

    I know that Israel does not willingly undertake war, that human life, even the lives of those who would kill its people, means something to it otherwise it would have already laid Gaza waste.

    It is unconscionable, therefore, that Israel’s enemies seek to kill her people from among their own civilians and not to care that those civilians, including children are being killed because they are being used as human shields, are being killed because of their actions.

    I am tired of being told that I should try to "understand" Hamas. Shame on Hamas! May they go to quickly the hell they deserve.

  16. A special thought and pray go to you and all the people who live in the area of Sderot.

    When I hear the news coming from Sderot regarding people who is suffering those terrorist attacks my heart cries and made me stop from doing what I do and think of you even for a little while.

    A pray, a thought are not enough perhaps, but it’s a little gesture I do for the people I love.

    May G-d bless all Israel.

  17. Dear Friends,

    I live in Jerusalem, and I want to let you know not a day goes by when I don’t think about the people of Sderot and feeling aching and pain in my heart. I only know a couple of people from Sderot, but I want to let you all know that I love you as part of my people, and my family, and that I pray for you everyday.

    May Hashem bless you all with peace and quiet soon.

    David Fain

  18. Estimados residentes de Sderot,
    Sólo quiero deciros que NO ESTÁIS SOLOS (YOU ARE NOT ALONE). Somos muchas más personas de las que creéis las que sentimos vuestro dolor y vuestra constante angustia. Y también sabemos que la actual respuesta del gobierno israelí está totalmente justificada, después de sufrir día tras día los ataques terroristas de Hamás.
    Recibid un cordial saludo. Y recordad: NO ESTÁIS SOLOS.

  19. Our thoughts and prayers are with you and all of the people of Israel. Many of our relatives in Israel are now living under the direct pressure of the Operation in Gaza and soon we will be with all of our Israeli Family to share this time. We currently reside part time in Portland, Oregon but come to Israel each year for several months. We look forward to being where our heart is !!

  20. I am writing from Arctic (far north) Canada. I am certain that your country is taking the proper action to say "no more" and take whatever action is necessary to put a stop. May G_d give you supernatural strength and ability.

  21. Dear Sderot:

    Our thoughts and prayers are with you and all of Israel. Your courage and strength are an inspiration to the world. Please keep trying to get your story out to the world; it’s so important. Especially in the United States where the media’s reporting has been so biased.

    As a Mom, I will not even pretend to claim to understand what you are going through; and I can only imagine how exhausted and frightened I would be for my children if I were in Israel right now. Please know that we are all praying for you every day.

    And please, share your stories. Write on blogs, email newspapers and people who support you in the United States. Call people. The United States should be doing a far better job of defending you-you need to contact as many people as you can and tell them the truth of what is occuring. Because millions of Americans truly do not know! And that lack of knowledge is part of what is causing support in the United States to be so weak.

    May G-d Bless You All & Keep You Safe,

    Theresa Fleming

  22. I am praying for the people of Sderot’s safety. May the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob keep you safe from the evil of Hamas.

    I am in the state of Ohio in the United States, know that Israel has many, many supporters here in the US.

  23. Dear friends,
    Your courage and fortitude and patience continually amaze me! Every time I read or hear about the rockets falling on your land and houses I pray that G_d will protect you and that His shalom will rain peace down on you more than the terror of the rockets.

  24. I search the internet and come across such information as this webpage….we seek out the truth of what is happening in Israel because our media is so biased. (We are actually getting quite good at doing our research!) Please know that we fully support Israel’s actions and wish you the best in dealing with the thugs who are your neighbors.
    ~Praying for your success and safety in these perilous times.

  25. Shalom Sderot Residents,
    I pray that Hashem Will Protect each and every one of you and that He Will Thwart the evil plans and actions that are against you. May you stand strong and may Moshiach come quickly.

    Blessings and peace,
    Sue Gore (Florida)

  26. Shalom!

    May Adonai bless you and keep you, May He make his face shine upon you and be gracious unto you, the L-rd lift up his coutenance upon you and give you peace!

    Baruch Hashem!

  27. for the people of Sderot our thoughts are with you, every time we hear on the news a rocket has fired our hearts bleed with you. just to let you know were all thinking about you in our prayers and let there be peace.

  28. Our family is praying for all of Israel and especially for those of you in Sderot who have had to continuously deal with these terrorist attacks. We pray for your safety and pray that the Israeli government will not stop their operations until Hamas is destroyed. May G_d bless and protect you through this dangerous time.

    Don, Sharon, Danielle, Alexandria & Cassandra Frisch
    Kingston, Michigan USA

  29. My heart goes out to you all. Prayers are ascending to heaven from Texas for your well being. Just know that many are lifting you up in prayer and that you can relax in the knowledge that HaShem promises to "fight for you". Mother of 5.

  30. We pray daily that Hashem will grant your leaders the wisdom and strength to deal wth the situation you all find yourselves in through no fault of your own.

  31. I am deeply sorry at my country’s stance against Israel, but while I cannpt do anything to change it, please know that my heart and many of my fellow Britons are with you, and our prayers rise up to G-d for the peace of Jerusalem – with Meshiach.

  32. Dear people of Sderot,
    you are not alone. We are with you every day.
    At the end Hamas will be defeated. We hope that Tsahal will be successful.
    Gianni from Milano, ITALY

  33. Shalom! Dear Sderot Residents, Please know that you are in my thoughts and prayers daily. You endure so much to continue to live under this constant threat daily. I so appreciate your courage! Please be strong in the power of His might. God is with you. Blessings, Jenean and Bob, too!

  34. Dear people of sderot. I was born in The Netherlands but live now in New zealand. I married a kiwi woman 8 years ago and we had our first baby girl last June. Every time I hear about your struggels my heart goes out to you. You must now that their are people all over the world who support your cause. I hope you will find strengt and courage to stand and to fight. You are a great and strong people your history has proven this. We send our love and prayers to you.

    Casper.Trace and Olivia

  35. Dear Residents of Sderot,
    May this years old nightmare soon be past, so that you and also the reasonable people among your neighbours can have a normal life in peace. We think of you every day.
    Judith and David, currently in Switzerland

  36. Dear people of Siderot, I am Christian and live in Italy. I’m with you every day and support your cause. Stand and fight, you are right and God is with you. I know the whole story of your people and I pray for you. To help your people I’d give my life. We must fight against the hypocrisy and barbarity. Shalom.

  37. Dear People of Sderot, I live in Florida, USA, and me and many friends from our Torah Study group are praying for the peace of Israel. Stay strong! The God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob is with you, and so are we!
    Shalom! Shalom!

  38. This is Lorenz from Hamburg, Germany. Im with the people of Israel these difficult times and im prepared to fight for you. If the Israeli army needs support im prepared to help.

    Shalom uvracha

  39. I ask G-d to give wisdom and strength to all the leaders and the citizens in Israel in these difficult times when good decisions and courage is needed. You are a people that from time to time in history seemed to be abandoned by G-d, but it isn’t true. He is with you all the way. When your sons and husbands are going into battle and when you are running to the shelters with your children. He will protect you and bring about the victory, so you and your neighbours can leave in peace one day. Do not lose hope, and the courage you have. We stand by you! Peter from Budapest, Hungary

  40. Dear people of Sderot, we stand up on your side and pray for you.
    May the goodwilling nations of the word understand your pain and fight Hamas & Iran threatening your life and the right of Israel to exist in peace.
    Bianca, Milan, Italy

  41. My prayers are with you, and with Tsahal, as finally the Israeli government reacts to provocation that no other nation on earth would have tolerated. I pray that soon, you’ll all be able to live in peace. Ham Israel haï!!

  42. Dear friends in Sderot and all over Israel. I visit your country in october 2008, and we talked about what would happen after the 19 dec… I know in my heart that the land bellong to You because you are "the chosen people" and as a christen I owe you evethring because Jesus was a jude and because of Him I has been sawed. But most importen, GOD LOVES ISRAEL, from Denmark we are many who prayes for you and for the people in guverment, army, hospitals… I pray for pease, but may it be the kind of pease, which are from the word of God "Pease in Jerusalem" psalm 122. God be with you all, where ever you are, be blessed from Denmark, Lone

  43. I feel extremely humbled and very sadened by what I have just seen .
    I pray for the peace of your community and that all children should be safe . Living in South Africa I understand the anxiety and fear of you and your children. May Hashem protect you and give you strength and hope
    kind regards

  44. Good will prevail against evil, even if we have to perish ALTOGHETER!!
    People of Israel never give up!
    We are praying for you.
    From a Christian Sister in Lisbon, Portugal


  45. G-d bless you all and give you the strenght to support this horror.

    I’m catholic, from Toledo, Sefarad, and my heart is with all good people of Sderot and all Israel.


  46. May Hashem hide you under the shadow of His wings (PS 91) for He is faithful to look after His covenant people. Baruch Hashem! A great many American Christians are praying for you. We love you. We appreciate you! We’re grateful for you! We stand with you! Be bold, be strong, do not be afraid or disheartened, for the L-rd your G-d is with you! (Joshua 1:9)

  47. We are Christians from Texas. We have followed with great sorrow the increasing suffering of Southern Israel since the misguided and unfortunate withdrawal from Gaza in 2005. Our prayer is that G-d will strengthen and protect you, and remove your enemies once and for all

  48. Shalom,

    May G.od bless you and all the people of Israël .. I’m praying for you.
    We stand with you !!

  49. I am thinking of you in Sderot and the neighbouring places-I cannot imagine how you must be coping- but we are doing what we can to help- tefilla, tzedaka and hasbara.
    You are not alone and we shall not forget you.

  50. Israel is fighting a just war – it fights for its existence. I hope that you will succeed in fighting the terrorists and in bringing peace to Sderot and Israel. Do not listen to the outside world that tells you to end the campaign. In order to survive Israel must be strong and united.

  51. Today we live a hard times. This is a time of war for Israel and the West. The islamic repubilc of iran desire to destroy us and is only for this who they want a nuclear power.
    Not for peace but for war they want this type of energy.
    This is a time for a rendering of accounts with islam ! destroy them ! One time for all the West must fight a final battle with islam.
    (italian) Lottando e combattendo con la forza ed il coraggio che sono propri dell’uomo noi prevarremo sul nemico.
    L’Occidente non morirà mai perchè è la luce luce del mondo.
    Nessuno è e sarà mai come noi.
    Amici israeliani,se doveste avere bisogno di rinforzi,io sono pronto alla guerra , chiamatemi e combatterò al vostro fianco fino alla morte del nemico e alla nostra vittoria. Sergio. Italy.

  52. Dear Sderot residents, and dear forefathers (in a way) of my own Christian faith. My prayers are with you, and I speak to my friends and family of you and what Israel is going through. I tell the truth to them so they will not be deceived. I pray that all nations may stand behind you, O Israel. May all ‘civilized’ people see the truth and support you in your own self-defense.

  53. I’m praying for the peace in Israel, may God bless you and protect you. Do not give up until you have accomplished your goals.

  54. Sderot, you the prayers and support of many friends here in the United Kingdom. Good luck to you and your brave nation, you have the moral high ground. Anyone who believes the absurd lies of the enemy or the press who seem almost anti-semitic at times, should seriously think about psychiatric treatment!

    Do not give up, listen only to your people, your own conscience and give the enemy something it will remember for all time!
    God Bless you, your brave soldiers and all Israel.

  55. Dearest friends in all of Israel and especially in Sderot, i’m a christian portuguese, mother of a 12 y.o. boy and a teacher. I tell my son the truth about your beloved country and about those who have done nothing in their useless lives but to try to destroy you. I also try to explain to my students. I pray for you all, and I KNOW that you will win, because, in the end, the truth will prevail. God bless you all, and may He bring peace to your beloved country in our days. Shalom!


  57. I know where Sderot is locatedâ€"not only from the news but I have been there. I visited the area during a time of ceasefire but that very day several rockets were launched into Israel. I heard the alarm and I heard the explosion. One of the rockets passed by over my head. I cannot say that I understand what it must be like to live in a place like Sderot, but I think I might be able to imagine, at least partlyâ€"not only in the light of statistics, but even more in the light of experience. I have not by far seen nor experienced the magnitude of your situation, but I have got a small taste of your everyday life, of your reality. I admire your courage and I pray God to keep you and protect you!

  58. Israel is a shining beacon of hope for the rest of the western world that terrorism, either state sponsored or or independent, will not be tolerated and that the ideas of liberal democracy can and will prevail. Thank you to the Israeli people for your sacrifices, we in the United States take our lives here for granted without remembering that there are nations fighting to keep a home that is rightfully theirs. I hope in the future that those who wish to silence Israel’s message realize that in a world without religious tolerance, peace can not exist. "…O Jerusalem, the built up Jerusalem is like a city that is united together…Pray for the peace of Jerusalem…"

  59. I visited Israel (Sderot) numerous times, in 2006 before the war and previously in 2008 before the cease fire ended. What I witnessed was how the residents of the city run for cover and only have a fraction of a second it seems like to save themselves and their children. I am happy what Israel is doing t protect their citizens, and if it was up to me I would go and help the soldiers of Israel rid Gaza of all threats toward the Israeli population. Hashem Bless Israel and its citizens.

  60. The world needs to realize that the indiscriminate firing of rockets and bombing of civilians is contrary to the Geneva Convention of War and as such all actions so taken by Hamas against the residents of Israel shall be considered acts of TERRORISM.
    All persons who have knowledge of these terrorist acts and who do not assist the authorities in stopping these acts shall be viewed as accomplices whether civilian or not and should suffer the same fate as those responsible for the actions.

  61. From Holland

    Dear people in Sderot. Altough i have been in Israel several times, i never went to your town. I now the story from the images and family. I pray for you and hope this tragedy ends soon!!!! You must be the moste brave tough people on this planet. May god be with you all.

  62. I live in Shavei Shomron…Who can I talk to about coming down for a couple days to help out doing repairs or just lending a hand to the community?

  63. I spent a few weeks in Sderot in 1992, my first trip to Israel, which was with Sar-El, and they were 3 of the best weeks of my life. I loved the people I met. This past August I brought my husband there to visit and to see if I could find the places where I spent the time, and also to show support. I think of you so much- Sderot is in my prayers. If there is someone there who would like to email me in English, I would love to keep in closer touch. Thank you.

  64. the atrocities perpetuated by Hamas has been overlooked too long.
    Retaliation in force is the only possible response to killers.
    The world looks on Palestinian civilians as victims, true but they are victims of the bullying Hamas, not victims of Israel. If they dont resist , then they are part of the the aggressors and must suffer the consequences.
    This response has been long overdue, and nothing less than subduing the missle attack by any means should be the goal of the harassed nation of Israel.

  65. Dear people of Sderot,

    On the internet I saw a webcamvideo made in july 2008 by a girl from Sderot. I was very impressed by her story. Thats why i wish you all the best. I hope that the rocket attacks will once stop and you can live in peace. I do understand that Israel has no other choice than attacking Gaza. Hopefully it will force the Hamas to a cease-fire.

    Take care there.


    Ben van Gelder

  66. I want to said what we, fron Spain, fell. But me English is terrible.
    please, if someone can translate my comment, please, do it. Thank you.

    Os escribo desde España. No creais todo lo que escuchais desde España o desde Europa.
    Los cobardes politicos españoles actuales y los de media europa son solo eso. Comentarios de politicos cobardes. pero no son la voz de todo el pueblo.
    Somos muchos, muchisimos, los que estamos al lado de Israel, los que admiramos al pueblo Judio y su valentia.
    Los que vemos que solo quieren acabar con los cobardes terroristas de Hamas, que como buenos cobardes, se esconden detras de sus hijos y mujeres, solo para aparezcan en las noticias, solo para su cobarde causa.
    Cuando digo muchos, quiero decir muchisimos ciudadanos.
    Pero no os preocupeis, antes o despues los cobardes europeos lo pagaremos, todos, y entonces prevalecera la verdad.
    Que pueblo lucho por su gente y contra el mal, y que politicos vendieron por su cobardia el alma al "monstruo" del islam.
    Solo espero que ese dia no sea demasiado tarde para todos los que sabemos que la llegada del "monstruo", ya no tendra vuelta atras.
    Dios bendiga a Israel, y a toda la gente de sentimientos puros y valientes.
    Animo Sderot. os admiramos.

  67. It saddened me to read of the encounter a speaker recently had at DePaul University. As an American Christian, let me apologize for this unacceptable behaviour. Please believe that there are many more of us that try our best to get the truth out about your situation through newspapers and simple e-mails to friends. Remember that you are not forgotten or alone. May G-D Bless!

  68. We pray for you all in Sderot and the Nation of Israel. We ask God to sustain and strengthen you during your struggle with the forces of evil. We support the people of Israel and Jews whom God gave the land to. Wakefield UK

  69. We continue to pray for the peace for Jerusalem. I hope you all get through this. I live in Las Cruces, New Mexico, United States.

  70. I wish to express to the people of Sderot the distress we feel over your plight. You are being heard in the nations. There are many who care. May G-d protect and deliver you. Stay strong. Continue to broadcast the truth of the situation. We know that Israel is well within her rights to protect you and to destroy the munitions being used to oppress you. May they be protected and successful in their efforts. May you have shalom. Montreal, Canada

  71. Our hearts, our minds and our love are with you – also our pocketbooks. I have just bought seven more Israel Bonds for my seven grandchildren.

  72. I can only cry when I think about the people of Sderot, about all the people from Israel and especially about the children!
    I cannot understand how people can be so cruel and so filled with hatred and I cannot understand how the whole world is acting right now! I cannot understand how they can care more about this people who wants your death than about your lives.
    The world is too blind to see how you suffer!
    I wish you strength and Gods help in this hard times and I hope that one day you can live in peace. WE ARE WITH YOU!!!
    Hamburg, Germany

  73. My thoughts and prayers are with you.

    I will share your situation with my friends and family and make sure that as many people as possible are made aware of the horrible situation that you are living in.

    Ryanne (Tucson, AZ USA)

  74. Dear Brothers and Sisters of Sderot: Please know we keep you in our prayers and thoughts and know that the hand of HaShem is upon you for good even though it is so difficult to understand what could possibly be good about it. He is faithful and will never leave you nor forsake you. Look to Him and trust Him. Our hearts go out to you and try to share your anguish. In His wondrous mighty love we bless you.
    Shalom! Shalom! which only He can give! N. Carolina, USA
    North Carolina, USAhgge

  75. My prayers for the safety and security of Sderot and all Israel. Despite what American media portrays, most Americans stand by you.
    I am an evangelical Christian- we must stand together to oppose the hatred and violence of those who wish to destroy what God has created.

  76. Please hold on and pray. My wife and I are praying for you constantly. We shed tears for you given the circumstances that surround you. God will bless his people and Israel will prevail. My grandfather was raised on a reservation here in the USA. His grandfather was a holy man of there Lakota Tribe. He prayed for the tribe while chiefs led tribemen into furiouse battles. Hold tight and the same Great White Spirit that looked over my ancestors will look over you.
    Love and Resolve,
    Greg Mosher Omaha, NE USA

  77. As an American and a Christian, I pray for peace and victory for my brothers and sisters in Israel, God’s chosen people.
    "What can mere men do against such blind hatred?"
    Most Americans support Israel, don’t be mislead by the mainstream media and morally relativistic pseudo-intellectuals like Jimmy Carter (who called the terrorist tunnels "defense tunnels"). Sderot, hold fast. You have friends here. God bless.

  78. Hang in there. This is a battle not just for your right to live without fear in your own streets. It is nothing less than a battle for civilization. We are seeing the enemies of everything good that the West has created parading in OUR streets, chanting vicious, hateful things. Your battle is physical, ours is moral, but we are fighting the same things.

    Let us all hope a better world can be created eventually, in which peace is actually valued by those who speak of it, and tolerance actually practiced by those who make a religion of it.

  79. The people of Israel are remarkable and you the residents of Sderot are absolutely increidble. I cannot begin to imagine what you are living through!! You are true heroes!
    We love you all and pray for your safety!!!
    May we all see the the end to our Galus very very soon with the arrival of Moshiach! Your mesirot nefesh surely will help make this happen.
    thank yoiu ..thank you.. thank you. your family in Ohio

  80. I applaud your courage living under such a terrifying threat for the past 8 years
    Hashem should bless and guard you.Our prayers and tehilim and thoughts are with you and we hope and await the time-it should be soon-now -when all will live in peace and harmony

  81. Keep your courage, and faith strong! You are strong people, with compassion for others humans, even towards your enemies. I know that media puts a lot of the blame on Israel, but thats just the media. Many people can look behind these curtains. And you have more friends than you probably know, even in Sweden. May G-D bless you and protect you!
    From Stockholm/Sweden

  82. I visited Sderot this past summer. I witnessed the babies of a day care, who, for the first time in a couple of months were allowed to play out in sun light that day – as opposed to playing in a safe room… FIRST TIME IN A COUPLE OF MONTHS!!! Children have the right to live in peace, parents deserve to know that their children are safe at home and community. No one has the right to terrorize human beings the way Hamas has been doing for years.
    Sderot, we stand behind you 1000%!

    Miami, Florida

  83. Just a quick note from a European citizen who’s not blinded nor fooled by the anti-istrael nonsense that seems to be prevailing in Europe these days.

  84. I am from the USA and I am a strong supporter of Israel. My heart goes out to the people of Sderot. May HaShem bless you and keep you strong and safe.

  85. We stand with you. We keep you in our prayers. We tell people about the real situation there. Blessings on you! Shalom from Polan!

  86. I live in South Wales in the United Kingdom. My heart goes out to the people of Sderot who have not only had to suffer years of terror attacks, but also are constantly ignored by the media and Governments of the World. I’m sure if more people were aware of the suffering of the people of Sderot, particularly the suffering of the children they would bring your case to the attention of their respective Governments.

  87. Me and my husband ( who is not jewish) stand by Sderoth children and its citizens,We would do the most to spread the plight of Israel ,against the one sided press amongs our friends, Israel has the RIGHtT to defend itself and right to live in peace even if it means that er have to resort to war. It is not want we want ,it is what Islamimic jihad movement wants the destruction of the Jewish State.

    We are willing to host our trumatized children in our home!!!!

  88. Hi. I live in Germany although I am British, I would like you to know
    that I feel very sad about what is happening to you right now. I follow
    what is going on in the media. I just want to let you know that I carry you
    in my heart and pray for your safety. Shalom my Havarim.

  89. Please know that you have friends in Melbourne Australia, thinking of you living on the edge in constant danger and stress and we are praying for your safety and for a speedy peace. Am Israel Chai !

  90. It’s up to Tsahal and Israel to protect you as they protect the Prime Minister and other important people. You are our heartland.

  91. After our visit to Sderdot the last three days my wish for you is peace.

    May you have flowers and roses in abundance, and not rockets.

    Lodie de Jager, South Africa

  92. Please know that you have friends worldwide supporting and praying for you! May G-d protect and keep you. "Hineh: lo yanum v.lo yishan shomer Israel."

    Shalom m’norveigia

    !עם ישראל חי

  93. Hi, many years ago I worked on Kibbutz Dorot and spent a lot of time with friends in Sderot and you really made me feel at home. I pray each day for your courage & safety.

  94. The media in the USA is ignoring the rocket attacks on Israel is a shame. Israel must have secure borders. Hamas needs to be destroyed.

    We empathize with all Israelis.

  95. You are not without friends, millions of them in the US alone. We cannot be with you, but we pray daily for your safety and the future of Sderot without rockets. Nor are we silent. We speak out, we write, we are screaming from the mountain tops the horror that has descended upon your town from Gaza. We try to inform the media of what you live with on a daily basis, but they refuse to see.

    While it seems that all hands are turned against you, you do not stand alone. We stand besides you and so does G-d.

  96. I’m an American Christian and my thoughts and prayers are with Sderot and all of Israel often. You have many friends around the world – despite the slanted coverage seen in most of the main stream media. Peace and blessings be upon Israel.

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