In the past 8 years, over 7,000 Qassam missiles and mortar shells have been fired towards Sderot and the Western Negev, killing and injuring many citizens. Today, due to the security situation, many delegations and groups fear of visiting Sderot. This fear has separated Sderot from center and north of Israel.
Therefore, we, the Sderot Media Center, had decided to initiate a writing project, which sole purpose was to tell the story of the people of Sderot. Doing so has enabled us to raise the awareness towards the security situation, to encourage the identification of people from Israel and abroad, and finally, to encourage and lead communal projects in Sderot and the Gaza Region.
Free Writing is a Form of Self Expression
“Creative Writing” was an educational and experiential project. The residents of Sderot were asked to write poems and short stories about the reality of life in Sderot for the past 8 years, under the Qassam missiles’ threat.
For 2.5 months, many wonderful and touching creations had been sent to the Media Center. They were preliminary sorted by experts from the field of writing, and 10 selected creations took part in an award – winning competition. There were 4 finalists at the award ceremony, which took place in November 13th, 2008 at the Sderot Cinematheque.
The combination of the writing arts and information is a successful one, and it reflects an era of wartime reality. In order to perpetuate this era through the art, the Sderot Media Center is initiating the publishing of a book that will include the poems and short stories of the Creative Writing contest, alongside still photographs which illustrate the ongoing reality of Sderot as it’s been in the past few years.
I turn to you with a request to examine a cooperation offer, regarding the sponsorship of this book’s publishing.
Link to English Creations
Links to Hebrew Creations
I’m saying that they way in which they are finwololg the same, failed and brutal path gives us me an insight into their aims and motivations. I repeat, its either stupidity or cynicism. Both of which make me weary and depressed, and discourage me from thinking deeper. So does this. Please elucidate which of Hamas’s policies are not failed or brutal or (usually) both, and not much much more so that anything Israel has tried to do when faced with a genocidal neighbour openly, unrepentently and proudly committed to the destruction of Israel?The reason the UN is so ineffectual and all the solutions are complete failures is that all the solutions studious fail to take any account of the differences between the two parties. Israel is the only modern liberal democracy in the area. Hamas is a medieval murderous cult. They are not equal and they should not be treated equally. We both know this. Everyone knows this. Israel has managed to change its government god knows how many times in its 60 year life without ONCE needing to throw members of the outgoing adminstration from tall buildings.So why the soft-soaping? Why the complete one-sidedness?