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Support Sderot Treatment Theater

Support Sderot Treatment Theater, Therapy Balancing Gaza Story "The positive impact of the theater therapy process clearly showed in the way these girls performed tonight--full of confidence and assurance."Dalia Yosef, Former Director of the Sderot...

Il caporale Shalit è vivo e sta bene» Il video che premia il cinismo...

Il Giornale, 3 ottobre 2009 È vivo, è in condizioni di salute apparentemente decenti, anche se appare smagrito e la sua voce è quella di una persona che non parla da molto tempo: ma, pulito...

Press Release: Sderot Community Treatment Theater to Stage First Production

Sderot Media Center’s Community Treatment Theater will launch the first theater production of Children of Qassam Avenue. The production is based on the true-life experiences of the theater’s actresses, local Sderot high school girls,...

SMC Response to the United Nations Fact Finding Mission on the Gaza Conflict Report

PRESS RELEASE: In response to the United Nations Fact Finding Mission on the Gaza Conflict Report This report is not surprising and it proves the reason of why the State of Israel did not take...

Bearing Witness to the UN in Geneva: Noam Bedein Presents Sderot’s Case to UN...

On July 6th, I traveled to Geneva to testify before the United Nations Fact Finding Mission on the Gaza Conflict. Participating in the delegations were Ashkelon Mayor Benny Vaknin, Dr Alan Marcus the director...

Remote Control Terrorism from Gaza

Israel exists to provide a safe homeland for Jews. Yet the Jews of southern Israel, including Sderot, Ashkelon, Ashod, Be’er Shevah and the western Negev, live under constant rocket attack. Hamas fired 26 rockets...

הודעה לעיתונות – 5/3/09

יוזמה בקונגרס האמריקאי לקשור את שחרורו של החייל החטוף גלעד שליט והפסקת ירי הטילים מרצועת עזה, להעברת 900 מיליון דולר לרשות הפלשתינאית ולשיקום הרצועה. זאת בעקבות המפגש בין נעם בדין, מנהל מרכז תקשורת שדרות, לבין...