Thursday, December 26, 2024
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Blogs & Stories

US Congressmen Brian Baird and Keith Ellison Visit Gaza and Sderot

Following a day tour in Gaza, members of Congress, Brian Baird (D-Washington) and Keith Ellison (D-Minnesota) spent an hour in Sderot touring the city...

Students of IDC Hertzelia for the residents of the western Negev

Students of IDC Hertzelia for the residents of the western Negev To: Noam Bedein - CEO Itzik Yarkoni - Marketing Director Sderot Media Center Greetings, I wish to thank you and...

The Iran-Hamas Connection and President Obama

As US President Barack Obama makes historic overtures in attempting to foster open dialogue with Iran, the rest of world watches in optimistic anticipation....

SMC director Noam Bedein invited to Capitol Hill

To: Noam Bedein, SMC director From: Sarah Stern Event Issue: "Was the War in Gaza Justified?" Date: February 16, 2009 EMET (Endownment for Middle East Truth) is honored...

50 Gaza Rockets Strike Israel Since Ceasefire

Over 50 Palestinian rockets and mortars have been fired into Israel since the unilateral ceasefire began between Hamas and Israel on January 18. This...

How Sderot Voted Last Tuesday

As bomb shelters continue to be built throughout Sderot in preparation of future rocket attacks, Sderot residents showed up in large numbers at the...

Sponsors Needed for Sderot Media Center’s photography Project

SMC’s Current Project: Sderot Media Center is currently working to establish a group of area youth who, with the help of digital cameras, will document...

Building a Digital Archive of SMC Video Material on SMC Website

The purpose: building an on line archive will enable to create short videos/creations/stories on the basis of the human and social story, with the...

SMC photo exhibits

The challenge today in Sderot, is to find a way to express the stories of the people here. Every single family has its own...

Sponsorship for Publishing a Short Story/Poem Book, Written By Residents of Sderot

In the past 8 years, over 7,000 Qassam missiles and mortar shells have been fired towards Sderot and the Western Negev, killing and injuring...